Wednesday 20 March 2013

Week 7: Day 4

Path-Finding AI

·         Some Enemy Soldiers can communicate with each other via radios if they spot the player, as long as they are safe for a few seconds, such as not taking fire, or if they withdraw to a previous area. Using the radio would alert other enemies within a certain section of the map to whichever area the player was spotted in.

·         Enemy Soldiers would investigate an area where they may have heard a sound. Perhaps there could be a % chance of actually hearing the player, higher % the closer the player is, as opposed to automatically hearing the player straight away when they get close enough.

·         If enemy soldiers with a transceiver hear gunfire, and do not have a visual on the player, they would immediately call it on the radio to set the other soldiers into an alerted phase, where enemies move much quicker and possibly a larger view distance.

·         Cover could be designated around the map. The enemy soldiers would move to cover if they see the player looking directly at them; preferably cover that isn't in the player’s field of view. If the player is not looking at them, the enemy would start firing immediately.
 (BONUS) If you are able to holster a weapon, perhaps the enemy would not fire immediately, and instead move closer in an attempt to arrest, giving you a chance to move behind cover, or equip your weapon to fire.

These were some of the ideas I had for the path finding AI.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Week 6: Day 1

It has been quite some time since my last post, as I pretty much put it in the back of my mind. But here are some things I have done since.

Here is one of my creeps in 3DS Max with a basic texture applied. I plan to go over it a few times adding some details where I can. I have also rigged it, but 3DS Max on certain PC's doesn't let me apply skin weights for some stupid reason, oh well.

I also have some weapon's down for the FPS, I am still not sure on the theme or style, but this will do. I havn't finished making the gun look all snazzy yet, but I still think I could model it from this.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Week 2: Day 4

Today we continued in Unity, to create prefabs out of a few seperate meshes. It ended up pretty much like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle to create a level. Seems like it would be incredibly efficient to create them and test this way.

I also got my sword done as best I could, even though I am not particularly satisfied with it. I've also been told it looks like a Skyrim sword, which I guess is a good thing.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Week 2: Day 1

We continued with concept design today, with different towers.

I didn't really feel in the zone today with these, I know I could have done better.

I also completed the rest of my weapon concepts from Week 1.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Week 1: Day 2

I continued on the turret animation a bit more just for fun, seems to work alright. There are a few extra bits and pieces that would need motion like the gearbox at the back.

I also worked on a more basic form of the turret earlier in the day, and I have not got an animation for this one yet.

Also during class we worked on concepts for Melee Weapons, we need to create roughly 10. So far I have 6.

Monday 4 February 2013

Week 1: Day 1

I started an idea for a potential tower/turret to be used in the Tower Defense game we'll be working on.

I wanted to go for a mechanical look and will most likely base all my towers around a similar design. I've also come up with a concept for animation on how it will fire, though there is more to be done on it. It doesn't actually make sense how it would fire that way, but I thought it looked good and that's mostly what matters to me.